ChildIDFile App

ChildIDFile is a simple-to-use mobile app that helps parents keep all the necessary information about their children in one place. The app is designed to make it easy for parents to create profiles of their children and save their photos and fingerprints. The app provides a comprehensive form to fill in all the necessary details such as the child's name, age, gender, height, weight, hair, and eye color. The app also allows parents to enter the child's medical history and any allergies. All of this information can be saved and easily accessed whenever needed.

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Why Use ChildIDFile App?

As a parent, it's important to have a plan in place in case of an emergency such as your child going missing. One way to be prepared is to have all the necessary information and documents readily available to law enforcement agencies. ChildIDFile is a mobile app designed to help you create profiles of your children and save important information such as photos, fingerprints, and vital details. The app creates a PDF file that can be easily shared with authorities in case of an emergency.

How to use the ChildIDFile App

Download the app

ChildIDFile is available on both iOS and Android devices. Simply search for "ChildIDFile" in your app store and download it to your device.

Create a profile

Once you have downloaded the app, open it and click on "Create a New Profile." You will be prompted to a wizard to enter your child's name, date of birth, height, weight, special characteristics, medical needs and any other relevant information. It is important to be as thorough as possible, as this information can be crucial in finding your child.

Add photos

You can add two photos of your child to their profile, a headshot and full body shot. You can also add a photo of their fingerprints. To add a photo, simply click on "Add Photo" and select the image you want to upload or just take from the inbuilt camera function.

Generate a PDF

Once you have completed your child's profile, a PDF that contains all of their information is automatically generated. Once it is ready, you can download or share the PDF via email, text message, or any other messaging app.

Update regularly

It is important to update your child's profile regularly with new photos and information. This ensures that the information is accurate and up-to-date in case of an emergency.